Frequently Asked


about sunfrog solar

What is a Solar Panel and how does it work?

A solar panel is made up of multiple photo-voltaic (PV) cells. These cells are made up of semi-conducting material called silicon. This cells have the ability to convert sunlight to electricity. This is a form of DC (direct current) power.

What is a charge controller & how does it work?

A charge controller is a charge regulator of DC power for both voltage and current. It protects your battery(s) from being over charged or damaged.

How will I get credit for the power my system makes?

This is done through your utility provider and is called “net metering.” You receive a credit on your power bill for any power you produce.

What is an inverter and why do I want one?

An inverter converts DC power (i.e. battery) to AC power (i.e. household power).

What is AC power?

AC power or alternating current is required to operate most household appliances. For example items that you plug into a home electrical outlet requires AC power.

What is DC power?

DC power is what solar panels produce and is also what is needed to charge your batteries.

What are the warranties on solar products?

Warranty lengths are product dependent. Typically solar panels are 20-25 years, inverters are 15- 20 years and charge controllers are 1-5 years. SunFrog Solar will clearly detail your warranty terms on your quote/bill of sale.

Can solar panels withstand hail?

Yes, all solar panels we use are rated for impact with golf ball sized hail up to xx km/h (55 mph). Also, note that your PV systems are usually covered by home insurance but you should double check with your provider.

How will I get credit for the power my system makes?

This is done through your utility provider and is called “net metering.” You receive a credit on your power bill for any power you produce.

What is Net metering?

Net Metering is how you get credit in dollars for the power your Grid Tie system produces. Your utility company is obligated to buy the power you produce at the same rate that you buy power from them. For example, if you buy power at .08/w from your service provider and you had a grid tie (roof mount) system that produced 10kw over a year. You would receive a $800 credit in your utility bill which is typically issued on quarterly or bi-annually.